Historical Aircraft

Hillcoat to Horne


HILLCOAT, HORACE BROUGHAM F/L(P) C21305 A.F.C., A.F.M. From Lethbridge, Alberta. Killed in Action Dec 15/44 age 31. #168 Heavy Transport Squadron, Rockcliffe, Ontario. Fortress aircraft missing. Please see F/L A.J. Ruttledge D.F.C. & Bar for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hillcoat has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HILLHOUSE, JAMES ROBERT P/O(AG) C8680. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Oct 3/43 age 20. #76 Squadron (Resolute). Halifax aircraft #OK 247 missing from a night trip to Kassel, Germany. Sgts R.M. Watson, A.J. Murtagh (RAF), and W.E. Price (RAF) were also killed. Two others of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Hillhouse is buried in the Sage War Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land Niedersachsen, Germany.

HILLIARD, TOM WILLIAM P/O(N) C19173//R225026. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Nov 3/43 age 29. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Target – Dusseldorf, Germany. Please see Sauve J.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Hilliard is buried in the Crooswijk General Cemetery, Rotterdam, Holland.

HILLIER, LAWRENCE DAVID P/L(P) J6380. Frodi Val D’or, Quebec. Killed in Action Sep 3/42 age 24. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus). Halifax aircraft #DT 487 was shot down at Lesves, seven miles south-west of Namur, Belgium during a night operation against Karlsruhe, Germany. FS B.A. McGrath, Sgts A.D. Muir, E.C. Ewing, G.W. Roberts, E.C.A. Coules (RAF), E.J. Cutting (RAF), and P/O K.E.M. Mitchell (RAF) were also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hillier was buried in the Communal Cemetery Lesves, Belgium, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery, Hotton, Luxembourg, Belgium.

HILLIER, TREVOR SGT(BA) 972195 – Royal Air Force. From Goderich, Ontario. Killed Nov 26/43 age 24. #83 Squadron (Strike To Defend), Pathfinder Force. Sgt Hillier was killed when his Lancaster aircraft blew up while taxiing on the runway. Sergeant Bomb Aimer Hillier is buried in the Christchurch Churchyard, Rode Hill, Rode, Somerset, England.

HILLIS, KENNETH MILLARD SGT(FE) R254854. From Brockville, Ontario. Killed Jan 14/45 age 30. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai). Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Simmard J.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Flight Engineer Hillis is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HILLMAN, BRUCE IVAN F/L(P) J11013. From Dutton, Ontario. Killed Jul 14/45 age 23. #16 Service Flying Training School, Hagersville, Ontario. F/L Hillman was on leave and was killed when he was hit by a train at Lawrence Station, near St. Thomas, Ontario. F/L Hillman had flown Spitfire and Mustang aircraft during a tour with the 2nd Tactical Air Force. He had been shot down once and had been forced to bail out. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hillman is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Dutton, Ontario.

HILLMAN, DONALD ERNEST F/L(P) J17893. From Elrose, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 24/44 age 26, #148 Squadron (Trusty). BROTHER to James Gordon Hillman. Halifax aircraft missing. Please see Robertson J.R. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hillman is buried in the Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa, Italy.

HILLMAN, ELLIS OLIVER F/O(WAG) J10660. From Kingsville, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 6/44 age 22. #525 Squadron (Vinciendo Vincimus). Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see F/O, G.R. Canfield for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hillman is buried in the St. George British Churchyard, Lisbon, Portugal.

HILLMAN, GORDON THOMAS WO2(AG) R88514. From Weston, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 27/43 age 20. #156 Squadron (We Light The Way), Pathfinder Force. Lancaster aircraft #W 4895 missing during a night trip over enemy territory. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Hillman is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HILLMAN, JAMES GORDON F/O(N) J21914. From Elrose, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Feb 25/44 age 27. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). BROTHER to Donald Ernest Hillman. Lancaster aircraft #DS 844 was shot down twelve miles south of the target during night operations against Schweinfurt, Germany. Sgt A.J. Emerson, P/Os H.N. Cunliffe (RAF), H. Sherlock D.F.C. (RAF), Sgt H.G. Basten (RAF), FSs R.S. Nurse (RAF), and R.R. Walker (RAF) were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hillman has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HILLMAN, RALPH FRITHJAF SGT(AG) R252790. From Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A. Killed in Action Jul 5/44 age 25. #576 Squadron (Carpe Diem). Target – Orleans, France. Please see Shoobridge D. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hillman is buried in the Communal Cemetery, St. Syr-en-Val, Loiret, France.

HILLMAN, VICTOR JOHN F/O(P) J20261//R119550. From Loon Lake, Saskatchewan. Killed Feb 17/44 age 21. #152 Operational Training Unit. Vengeance aircraft #AN 649 caught fire and crashed sixteen miles south-west of Chakdaha at Marakabur, Bengal. WO T. Barlow also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hillman is buried at Rawalpindi, Pakistan,

FULLMER, CHARLES EDWARD FS(WAG) R64424. From Oakville, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 30/41 age 23. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus). Target – Hamburg, Germany. Please see S/L R.C. Bisset D.F.C. & Bar for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hillmer has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HILLRICH, VINCENT PHILIP F/O(N) J22201. From Beaurepaire, Quebec. Killed in Action Jun 9/44 age 21. #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Perficite). The crew of Halifax aircraft #LW 140 were returning from a mine-laying operation when they crashed. The pilot was flying low in bad weather when they struck a tree at Home Farm, Wassand, Seaton, near Hornsea, Yorkshire. Six of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hit[rich is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HILLS, GEORGE GRESHAIV1 STANLEY SGT(P) 631309 – Royal Air Force. From Port Arthur, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 17/40 age 24. #98 Squadron (Never Failing). During the evacuation at Dunkirk, France, over ninety members of #98 Squadron boarded the S.S. Lancastrian and were lost at sea when the ship was sunk. The Lancastrian was loaded with over 5,000 military personnel when it was hit and sunk by a single bomb dropped from a German Stuka aircraft. This was the biggest naval tradegy of the War. P/O M.H. Brown from Macgregor, Manitoba was within seconds of shooting down the enemy aircraft, he succeeded in his endeavor but too late. Sergeant Pilot Hills has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HILLS, JAMES OLIVER FS(AG) R176395. From DiIke, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 23/43 age 22. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Sneath W.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hills was buried at St. Trond, Belgium, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery, H eve dee , Brabant, Belgium.

HILLS, KEITH ALEXANDER F/O(N) J12985. From Tara, Ontario. Killed May 19/44 age 25. #620 Squadron. F/O Hills was killed when his Stirling aircraft #LJ 880 collided in mid-air with another Stirling whilst engaged in towing gliders. The collision was over the rope-dropping area one mile south-west of Kempsford Village, England. Five airmen, not Canadians, were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hills is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HILLS, RAYMOND GEORGE F/O(N) J35547. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed May 28/44 age 21. #330 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft #OF 641 was loaded with practise bombs when it suffered structural failure and crashed near Lincoln, England. F/O C.G. Archibald, Sgt’s G.W. Mitchell, W.O. Baird, J.R. Pollon, and one of the crew, not Canadian, were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hills is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HILLS, WILLIAM JAMES WO2(WAG) R107211. From Perdue, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 26/43 age 20. #7 Squadron (Per Diem Per Noctum), Pathfinder Force. Stirling aircraft #EF 361 was shot down by flak at night one mile south of Julich, on the Julich/Aix La Chappelle railway. P/O J.F. Berthiaume was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hills was buried at Cologne, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.

HILLSDON, JAMES RONALD SGT(WAG) R251278. From Guelph, Ontario. Killed Jan 10/45 age 19. #108 Operational Training Unit. The crew of Dakota aircraft #KJ 835 were on a cross-country exercise when they crashed on the railway between Barrow-on-Star and Sileby, Leicestershire, England. Two airmen, not Canadians, were also killed. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hillsdon is buried in the Batley Cemetery, North Hinksey, Berkshire, England.

HILTON, FRANK NASON P/O(P) J6493. From Bowdoinham, Maine, U.S.A. Killed Dec 20/41 age 27. RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. P/Os Hilton and H. McRee were killed when Harvard aircraft #1346 crashed one mile north of #2 Highway and three miles west of Belleville, Ontario. Pilot Officer Pilot Hilton is buried in the Bay View Cemetery at Bowdoinham, Maine, U.S.A.

HILTON, WILLIAM DEVEAUX WOODRUFF F/L(P) C1626. From Barrie, Ontario. Killed Jul 23/42 age 22. #54 Operational Training Unit. F/L Hilton was killed when his Beaufighter aircraft hit high ground near Charter Hill, England. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hilton is buried in the Cemetery at Duns, County Berwickshire, Scotland.

HILTS, HUGH DONALD FS(AG) R256204. From Niagara Falls, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 29/44 age 18. #90 Squadron (Celer). Lancaster aircraft #PB 198 crashed in the woods near Saulxures-LesBulgneville during a night operation against Stuttgart, Germany. P/Os J.D. Morton, M. Fetchison, WO J.W. Huot, FS E.L. Eitel, Sgts D.J. Ingram (RAF), and W.C. Pomfret (RAF) were also killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hilts is buried in the Communal Cemetery at Saulxures-Les-Bulgneville, Vosges, France.

HILTZ, JOHN CLIFTON SGT(AG) R65468. From Kentville, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Sep 30/41 age 22. #77 Squadron (Esse Potius Quam Videri). Whitley aircraft lost. Please see Sgt H.W. McColm for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hiltz is buried in the Kiel War Cemetery, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

HILTZ, LAWRENCE DONALD FS(AG) R88319. From Truro, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Aug 28/42 age 20. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Wellington aircraft #DF 673 was shot down two and one half miles south-west of Hazenbrouch, France. FSs D.A. McKay and H.D. Baiftle were also killed. Two RAF members of the crew missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hiltz was buried at Moerbeke, Belgium, exhumed, and reinterred in the Canadian War Cemetery, Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium.

HILTZ, ROBERT ARTHUR F/O(P) J37855//R176988. From Kentville, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Nov 21/44 age 20. #439 Westmount Squadron. F/O Hiltz was carrying out a dive-bombing attack on the railroad near Neinborg, Germany when a wing of his Typhoon aircraft #MN 124 was blown off by flak. The aircraft crashed near Rhedebrugge, Germany but F/O Hiltz was too low to bail out. Flying Officer Pilot Hiltz was buried at Borken, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HIMMELMAN, MAURICE WILLIAM SGT R65299 – seaman. From Rose Bay, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Died Jan 2/45 age 26. #5 R.M.B., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Death by natural causes. Sergeant Himmelman is buried in the Harbour View Cemetery, Rose Bay, Nova Scotia.

HINCH, LLOYD GEORGE P/O(FE) J94672//R194689. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed in Action Mar 19/45 age 22. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai). Target – Witten, Germany. Please see Lejambe J.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Flight Engineer Hinch is buried in the War Cemetery, Hotton, Luxembourg, Belgium.

HINCHCLIFFE, WILLIAM EDWARD F/O(P) J9188. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 14/43. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Shaw W.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Hinchcliffe is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HINCKS, CLAUDE HARVEY FS(AG) R81085. From Victoria, British Columbia. Killed in Action Aug 28/42 age 21. #97 Squadron (Achieve Your Aim). Lancaster aircraft shot down. Please see WO G.L. McKenna for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hincks was buried in the North Military Cemetery at Dusseldorf, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HINDIN, VICTOR F/O(NB) J20877. From Zawale, Alberta. Killed in Action Aug 4/43 age 27. #42 Operational Training Unit. Whitley aircraft crashed. Please see Williston D.A. for casualty list and other detail. Flying Officer Navigator/Bomb Aimer Hindin has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HINDLE, JOHN FREDERICK LAC(AG) 546994 – Royal Air Force. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 9/40 age 21. #201 Squadron (Hit Ec Ubique). Sunderland aircraft failed to return from a sea patrol. Leading AirCraftman Air Gunner Hindle has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HINDLE, WILLIAM HESKETH SGT(P) R67520. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed Jul 28/41. #21 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Chevers W.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Pilot Hindle is buried in the PwIlheli Borough Cemetery, Caernarvonshire, Wales.

HINDMARSH, FELIX CAMPBELL P/O(WAG) J89248//R115331. From Edam, Saskatchewan. Killed Apr 12/44 age 24. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). The crew of Halifax aircraft #LW 614 were engaged in air to air firing training when it crashed at Birch Hall, Yorkshire. P/Os D.C. Bell, A.K. Clarke, T.H. Woodard, F.E. Cranch, passenger LAC D.V. MacKenzie, and Sgt H. Halliwell (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hindmarsh is buried in the Mount Vernon Roman Catholic Cemetery, Edinburgh, Scotland. Addendum: The crew were engaged in ground to air firing when one of the engines failed. The aircraft went out of control at 50 feet, stalled crashed and burst into flames. Detail provided by David E. Thompson, Middlesborough, England.

HINE, EDWARD ALEXANDER F/O(BA) J38298//R166089. From Brantford, Ontario. Killed Nov 19/44 age 30. #1666 Heavy Conversion Unit. Halifax aircraft disappeared. Please see F/O T.R. Bailey D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Hine has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HINE, RAYMOND ERVIN P/O(N) J91198. From Osage, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Dec 17/44 age 22. #101 Squadron (Mens Agitat Molem). Lancaster aircraft #MG 131 was shot down at Albeck, Germany during a night trip to Ulm, Germany. F/Os J.C. Munro, D.G. Ireland, P/Os F. Coulson, G.E. Deatherage, E.A. Davies, and two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Pilot Officer Navigator Hine was buried at Albeck, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HINES, ROY REGINALD P/O(P) J8417. From Bracebridge, Ontario. Killed Jan 19/42 age 19. #59 Operational Training Unit. P/O Hines was killed when his Hurricane aircraft #V 1385 crashed one mile from Tanfield Station, Yorkshire. Pilot Officer Pilot Hines is buried in the Chadwell Heath Cemetery, Dagenham, Essex, England.

HINGSTON, FAYETTE WILLIAMS BROWN GEORGE P/O(P) J18885//R110412. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Dec 4/43 age 25. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Target – Leipzig, Germany. Please see Hampton W.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Hingston is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HINKS, CECIL CHARLES DAVID WO2(013) R59536. From Selkirk, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 29/42 age 26. #16 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Stageman R.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Observer Hinks is buried in the Ohlsdorf Cemetery, Hamburg, Germany.

HINSCLIFFE, ALFRED F/O(BA) J22411 D.F.C. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed in Action May 7/44 age 25. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus), Pathfinder Force. Target – Nantes, France. Please see P/O R.D. Burrowes D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Hinscliffe is buried in the Communal Cemetery, MantesGassicourt, Seine-et-Oise, France.

HINTON, ALLAN THOMPSON P/O(P) J23231//R143063. From East Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A. Killed Jun 4/43 age 21. #7 Advanced Flying Unit. P/O Hinton was killed when Miles Master aircraft #W 9038 crashed one and one half miles north of Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. Pilot Officer Pilot Hinton is buried in the Kempston Cemetery, Bedfordshire, England.

HINTON, RICHARD DOUGLAS SGT(P) R216180. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed Mar 23/44 age 20. #8 Service Flying Training School, Weybum, Saskatchewan. Sgt Hinton was killed when his Harvard aircraft #2896 collided with Harvard #AJ 927. The pilots were engaged in advanced formation flying when they collided in mid-air and crashed five miles west of Trossachs, Saskatchewan. Sgt W.R. Gillespie was killed in AJ 927. Sergeant Pilot Hinton is buried in the Gananoque Cemetery, Gananoque, Ontario.

HIRAK, JOSEPH MICHAEL P/O(WAG) J95284//R205383. From Elphinstone, Manitoba. Killed in Action Apr 10/45 age 23. #433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S’y Frotte S’y Pique). Target – Leipzig, Germany. Please see Seeley F.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hirak is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HIRST, ALLAN CHARLES F/O(BA) J29374. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Nov 24/44 age 22. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft crashed near Bradbury, England. Please see F/O R.G. Mansfield D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. F/O Hirst had completed 25 operations prior to his death. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Hirst is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HIRST, HARVEY ELLIS SGT(AG) R208993. From Somerset, Manitoba. Killed in Action Feb 25/44 age 20. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Target – Schweinfurt, Germany. Please see Long H.M. for casualty.list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hirst is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HIRST, JAMES FREDERICK FS(WAG) R70176. From Stonewall, Manitoba. Killed Jul 13/42 age 32. #101 Conversion Flight. Stirling aircraft crashed. please see Regimbal U. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hirst is buried in the Buxton Cemetery, Derbyshire, England.

HIRSTWOOD, JESSE ERVIN FS(AG) R209405. From Norland, Ontario. Died Aug 3/44 age 20. #61 Base, RCAF Station, Topcliffe, Yorkshire. FS Hirstwood died of natural causes whilst in the RAF Hospital at Northallerton, England. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hirstwood is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HURTLE, GORDON WALLACE F/O(P) J20684. From Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Aug 20/43 age 23. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Peters A.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Hirtle is buried in the St. Augustine Churchyard, Heanton Punchardon, Devonshire, England.

HISETTE, ANDRE JEAN JULES P/O(BA) J95273//R189240. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 16/45 age 22. #51 Squadron (Swift And Sure). Halifax aircraft #LW 416 lost during night operations against Magdeburg, Germany. Sgts L. Annis (RAF), FSs J.J. Atkinson (RAF), D.L. Johns (RAF), A.A. Muddiman (RAF), and F/O E.M. Popplewell (RAF) were also killed. One other member of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Hisette is buried in the Becklingen War Cemetery, Soltau, Germany.

HISLOP, IVAN NAPPER WO2(P) R70640. From Arcola, Saskatchewan. Died Jul 11/43 age 22. #3 Training Command, Montreal, Quebec. WO Hislop was accidentally drowned in the Lake at St. Eustache, Quebec. Warrant Officer Class II Pilot Hislop is buried in the Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec.

HISSON, ROY WALTER JOHN FS(WAG) R85928. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Aug 31/42 age 22. Heavy Glider Conversion Unit. Whitley aircraft #BD 438 struck a tree on take-off at Black Bourton. One RAF airman was also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Nissan is buried in St. Mary Churchyard, Black Bourton, Oxfordshire, England.

HITCHCOCK, DOUGLAS F/O(N) J39323//R193543. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 18/44 age 26. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucern). Target – Duisburg, Germany. Please see March G.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Hitchcock is buried in the Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery, Hautot-sur-Mer, France.

HITCHCOCK, GEORGE EDWIN FS(BA) R146998. From Charing Cross, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 8/44 age 23. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Lancaster aircraft #ND 790 was one of six #115 Squadron aircraft missing during operations against Chevreuse, France. P/O H.L. Moller and five RAF members of the crew, F/O W.A.H. Fountain, P/O S.F. Francis, Sgts H.J.L.M. Lane, A.J. Sellick, and A. Wharton were also killed. Flight Sergeant Bomb Aimer Hitchcock is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Houdan, Seine-et-Oise, France.

HIVON, GUY HENRY SGT(AG) R187271. From St. Paul, Alberta. Killed Jan 18/44 age 20. #1659 Heavy Conversion Unit, Topcliffe, Yorkshire. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see LavaIle J.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hivon is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HJARTAIRSON, FREDERICK JACOB F/O(N) J23121. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed Jan 14/44 age 22. #1656 Conversion Unit. Halifax aircraft #DT 781 crashed at night near Holswarthy, Devon, England. FS W.R. Wilson and four of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hjartarson is buried in the Haycombe Cemetery, Bath, Englishcombe, Somerset, England.

HOAD, JACK WALTER F/O(P) J36990. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Oct 27/44 age 21. #18 Service Flying Training School, Gimli, Manitoba. F/Os Hoad and J.R. Lawlor were engaged in instrument flying and practising spins under the hood and were killed when Harvard aircraft #3770 failed to recover from a spin and crashed near Gimli. Flying Officer Pilot Hoad is buried in the St. John’s Norway Cemetery at Toronto, Ontario.

HOAGG, ERNEST ANDREW FS(P) R150850. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed Nov 8/43. #3 Advanced Flying Unit, Half Penny Green. FS Hoagg was killed when Anson aircraft #N 9855 crashed into a mountain side near Bethesda, Caernarvon, Wales. Flight Sergeant Pilot Hoagg is buried in the Blacon Cemetery, Chester, Cheshire, England.

HOAR, ARCHIBALD MACMASTER F/O(N) J28222. From Lethbridge, Alberta. Killed in Action Jun 23/44 age 21. #77 Squadron (Esse Potius Quam Videri). Halifax aircraft #MZ 702 went down in the sea after a raid on Laon, France. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Navigator Hoar has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOAR, DONALD RODERICK Lt(P) – Royal Navy. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed in Action Jan 14/41 age 26. Fleet Air Arm. Lost off H.M.S. Eagle whilst flying a Fairey Swordfish aircraft. Lieutenant Pilot Hoar has no known grave, his name is commemorated on the Lee-onthe-Solent Memorial, Hampshire, England.

HOAR, JOHN GREEN P/O(P) J7034. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed Jan 22/42 age 25. #34 Service Flying Training School, Medicine Hat, Alberta. Harvard aircraft #AJ 761 swung on take-off and hit P/O Hoar’s Harvard aircraft #AJ 818 on the aerodrome at Medicine Hat. LAC E.T. Markham (RAF) was also killed in aircraft AJ 818. There were no casualties in aircraft #AJ 761. Pilot Officer Pilot Hoar is buried in the Edmonton Cemetery, Edmonton, Alberta.

HOAR, WILLIAM GEORGE P/O(P) J17189//R94634. From Calder, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Mar 29/43 age 26. #218 Gold Coast Squadron (In Time). Stirling aircraft #BK 702 missing over enemy territory. FS J.M.H. Fraser, Sgts E.T.R. Howard (RAF), R.E. Jeffreys (RAF), W.M. Robertson (RAF), and J.E. Turnbull (RAF) were also killed. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Hoar is buried in the Sage War Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land, Niedersachsen, Germany.

HOAR, WILLIAM JOSEPH WO2(WAG) R115666. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Sep 28/43 age 33. #90 Squadron (Celer). Stirling aircraft #EE 952 crashed at Horseheate near Bartlow, Suffolk, England. Sgt C.H.A. Clark (RAF), F/O P.S. Cunningham (RAF), S/L M.I. Freeman (RAF), and one other member of the crew, not Canadian, were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hoar is buried in the City Cemetery, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.

HOBA, JAMES WACLAW WO1(P) R103006. From Thorold, Ontario. Killed Jul 17/43 age 27. #5 Operational Training Unit. Beaufort aircraft #JM 514 crashed one mile north-west of Ryefield, Moira County, Armagh, Ireland. One of the crew, not Canadian, was also killed. Warrant Officer Class I Pilot Hoba is buried in the Milltown Roman Catholic Cemetery, Belfast, County Down, Ireland.

HOBBS, JOHN WELDON F/L(P) J14454//R74437. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 13/45 age 23. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Hepburn S.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hobbs is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HOBEN, GORDON FRANCIS JOSEPH P/O(P) J15077. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 11/42 age 21. #403 Wolf Squadron (Stalk And Strike). P/O Hoben lost his life when his Spitfire aircraft #AR 345 crashed one quarter mile east of the Topcliffe aerodrome, Yorkshire. Pilot Officer Pilot Hoben is buried in the Cafferick Cemetery, Yorkshire, England.

HOBLITZELL, HUGH FRED F/O(P) J39533. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Nov 14/44 age 21. #133 Falcon Squadron, Patricia Bay, British Columbia. F/O Hoblitzell died of injuries sustained when struck by a bus in Victoria, British Columbia. Flying Officer Pilot Hoblitzell is buried in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery at Toronto, Ontario.

HOBSON, GORDON HERBERT WO2(BA) R144364. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action May 4/44 age 21. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Lancaster aircraft #LM 437 missing from night operations against MaiIly Le Camp, France. Sgts E. Houlden, R.M. Dand (RAF), R.A. Sneddon (RAF), P/O R.S. Hanson (RAF), and F/O W.J.H. Rogers (RAF) were also killed. One other member of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Bomb Aimer Hobson is buried in the Churchyard at Trouan-Le-Petit, Aube, France.

HOBSON, JOHN KENNETH P/O(OB) J11647//R107228. From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Killed Aug 10/42 age 21. #31 Operational Training Unit, Debert, Nova Scotia. Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see Vincent H.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Observer Hobson is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

HOBSON, KENNETH EDWARD P/O(P) J4903. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Mar 29/42 age 30. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Wellington aircraft #X 3477 was enroute to the target Lubeck, Germany when it was attacked and seriously damaged by two German ME-110 fighter aircraft. The bombs were jettisoned and the aircraft dived toward the sea shaking off the remaining fighter, this took the Wellington in range of intensely concentrated light flak. The aircraft sustained further damage and crashed, at about 300 mph, in a coastal marsh near Wilhelmshaven, Germany. P/O K.E. Hobson and FS A.L. Flesch were also killed. Four Canadians, FSs Marcotte, Bailey, Sgt Paul, and P/O Brodrick were taken Prisoners of War. Pilot Officer Pilot Hobson was buried with full military honors at Wilhelmshaven, exhumed, and reburied in the Sage British Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land Niedersachsen, Germany.

HOBSON, WILLIAM ALLAN SGT(AG) R222664. From Rochester, Alberta. Killed Jan 30/44 age 18. #22 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft exploded. Please see F/O L.W. Matthews D.F.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hobson is buried in the Stratford-On-Avon Cemetery, Evesham Road, Warwickshire, England.

HOBSON, WILLIAM ARTHUR F/O(P) C2229. From Kelowna, British Columbia. Killed Aug 24/43 age 30. #210 Squadron (Yn Y Nwyfre Ynhedfan). Catalina aircraft #FP 287 crashed while landing at Long Island Poole Harbour, Dorset, England. Six of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hobson is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HOCKLEY, HERBERT HENRY FS(AG) R104233. From Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Killed Feb 23/45 age 23. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Casher F.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hockley is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HODDINOTT, ARTHUR JOHN F/O(N) J22236. From East Kildonan, Manitoba. Killed in Action Aug 14/44 age 26. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Richardson J.M. for casualty list and trip detail. Flying Officer Navigator Hoddinoff has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODGE, DANIEL WILLIAM P/O(AG) J95309//R219179. From Asbestos, Quebec. Killed in Action Mar 13/45 age 19. #433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S’y Frotte S’y Pique). Lancaster aircraft lost. Please see Plante A.V. for casualty list and trip detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Hodge has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODGE, EDWARD RUSS P/O(P) J10248//R97865. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Oct 14/42 age 20. #11 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Mont Joli, Quebec. Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see Tate J.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Hodge has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HODGE, FREDERICK WILLIAM P/O(N) J16996. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 22/43 age 23. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus), Pathfinder Force. Target – Krefeld, Germany. Please see F/L S.L. Murrell D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Hodge is buried in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.

HODGE, ROBERT GEORGE F/L(P) J27801. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed May 16/45 age 29. #3 Service Flying Training School, Calgary, Alberta. The crew of Anson aircraft #12478 were engaged in a cross- country navigation exercise when their aircraft disintegrated in the air. F/Ls Hodge, E.B. Allan, T.B. Akin, Li. Aide, F/O G.J. Overend, and Sgt I. Stacey (RNZAF) were all killed when the aircraft crashed seven and one half miles north of Ponoka, Alberta. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hodge is buried in the Burnsland Cemetery at Calgary, Alberta.

HODGE, WILLIAM JOHN FS(OB) R75663. From Brantford, Ontario. Killed Feb 14/42 age 26. #12 Operational Training Unit. Hampden aircraft crashed. Please see Sgt J.R. Viau for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Observer Hodge is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HODGES, CAMPBELL MCRAE SGT(AG) R266186. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Jun 16/44 age 34. #22 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Simonson R.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hodges is buried in the Blacon Cemetery, Chester, Cheshire, England.

HODGES, CHARLES BENSON WO2(WAG) R73462. From Marysville, York County, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Dec 26/42 age 21. Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Richards J. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hodges has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODGES, REGINALD FREDRICK SGT(BA) R170348. From Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Killed Feb 15/44 age 19. #81 Operational Training Unit. BROTHER to Robert Bertram Hodges. Whitley aircraft #BD 420 crashed near Minsterley, Shropshire, England. Four of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Sergeant Bomb Aimer Hodges is buried in the Blacon Cemetery, Chester, Cheshire, England.

HODGES, ROBERT BERTRAM WO1(WAG) R79680. From Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 7/43 age 24. #283 Squadron. BROTHER to Reginald Frederick Hodges. WO Hodges was killed by an enemy fighter aircraft that was strafing tents and dropping antipersonnel bombs. Warrant Officer Class I Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hodges is buried in the Medjez-El-Bab War Cemetery, Tunisia.

HODGES, RONALD GEORGE RENOUF FS(OB) R92164. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Aug 12/42 age 21. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Wellington aircraft was shot down at Dusseldorf, Germany. Four RNZAF crew members missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Observer Hodges was buried in the North Military Cemetery at Dusseldorf, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HODGES, WILLIAM GEORGE F/L(P) C47931/R57008. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 11/45 age 31. #402 City of Winnipeg Squadron. F/L Hodges failed to pull his Spitfire aircraft #RN 114 up out of a dive and was killed when he crashed in a marsh nineteen miles east of Hertogenbosch, Holland. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hodges is buried in the Canadian Cemetery, Nijmegen, Holland.

HODGINS, ADAM KIDD FS(OB) R95943. From Carp, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 8/42 age 30. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus). Halifax aircraft missing during an attack on La Gironde Harbour, France. FSs W.W. Waddell, W.R. Waddle, W.C. Black, P.J. Maroney, and Sgt A.G. Walland were also killed. One Canadian, Sgt Manning, was taken Prisoner of War. Flight Sergeant Observer Hodgins was buried at Villenave 0′ Oman, exhumed, and reburied in St. Brice Communal Cemetery, Villenave d’Ornon, Gironde, France.

HODGINS, EDWARD HINCHEY SGT(P) R204386. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed Dec 3/44 age 19. #18 Service Flying Training School, Gimli, Manitoba. Harvard aircraft #FS 868 was performing a roll at a low altitude when it crashed two and one half miles east of Clandeboye, Manitoba. F/O R.J. Sanders was also killed. Sergeant Pilot Hodgins is buried in the Pinecrest Cemetery at Ottawa, Ontario.

HODGINS, LESLIE NELLIS FS(P) R82340. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 27/42 age 25. #7 Squadron (Per Diem Per Noctun-}). Stirling aircraft #N 3727 was carrying 6,000 lbs. of bombs and failed to return from a trip over enemy territory. Six RAF members of the crew missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Hodgins has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODGINS, MERVYN EUGENE P/O(AG) J88708//R198396. From Waubaushene, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 25/44 age 21. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Lancaster aircraft #DS 731 went down near Erxhausen, Germany during night operations to Schweinfurt, Germany. Five Canadians, F/O McKiel, FS Keiller, P/O Walker, Sgts Hawkins, and Moomeg, were taken Prisoners of War. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Hodgins was buried at Erxhausen, exhumed, and reburied in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.

HODGINS, NORMAN JOSEPH P/O(P) J39462. From Waubaushene, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 3/44. #45 Air Transport Group. Marauder aircraft caught fire. Please see Perkins D.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Hodgins is buried in the Khartoum War Cemetery, Sudan.

HODGINS, ROBERT BRUCE FS(AG) R197404. From Parkhill, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 11/44 age 20. #625 Squadron (We Avenge). Lancaster aircraft #ND 742 missing from a trip to Acheres, France. Five RAF members of the crew, P/Os P. Cowie, J. Dudrnan, J.W. Wells, Sgt G.L. Mills, and FS J. Taylor were also killed. One other crew member, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hodgins is buried in the New Communal Cemetery, Clichy, Seine, France.

HODGKINS, GEORGE ARTHUR FS(N) R134936. From Russell, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 25/44 age 32. #166 Squadron (Tenacity). Target – Stuttgart. Please see Henderson A.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Hodgkins was buried at Olbronn, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HODGKINSON, ALLEN KEITH F/O(P) J22156. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 3/43 age 21. #428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem). Target – Dusseldorf, Germany. Please see MacKenzie A.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Hodgkinson is buried in the City Cemetery, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.

HODGSON, EDWIN DAVIS F/O(P) J26148. From Selkirk, Manitoba. Killed in Action Nov 6/44 age 21. #190 Squadron. Stirling aircraft #LK 195 missing while making a night-container drop over Holland. F/Os E.J. Rusenstrom, G.L. Towns (RAF), WO W. King (RAF), and Sgt R.H. Nevard (RAF) were also killed. One member of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hodgson is buried in the General Cemetery, Enkhuizen, Holland.

HODGSON, GEORGE THOMAS FS(AG) R191916. From Vanessa, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 21/44 age 20. #578 Squadron (Accuracy). Target – Bottrop, Germany. Please see F/L J.A. Couture for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hodgson is buried in the War Cemetery at Uden, North Brabant, Holland.

HODGSON, GORDON ROSS F/O(WAG) J24087. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 5/44 age 20. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Villeneuve St. Georges, France. Please see Roe A.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hodgson is buried in the New Cemetery, Clichy, Seine, France.

HODGSON, JOHN F/L(P) J5667. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed in Action Jun 2/44 ago 22. #403 Wolf Squadron (Stalk And Strike). Spitfire aircraft #MK 742 was engaged in a Ramrod operation in the vicinity of Amiens, France when it was hit by flak. F/L Hodgson was still in the aircraft when it crashed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hodgson is buried in St. Pierre Cemetery, Amiens, France.

HODGSON, JOHN HARVEY SGT(AG) R178888. From Vermilion, Alberta. Killed Oct 16/43 age 20. #131 Operational Training Unit. Catalina aircraft crashed. Please see Sproule D.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hodgson is buried in the Church of Ireland Churchyard, Irvinestown, County Fermanagh, lreland.

HODGSON, KEITH JONATHAN FS(AG) R108386. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Feb 13/43 age 21. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Target – Lorient, France. Please see Peterson L.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hodgson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODGSON, KENNETH SGT(AG) R107715. From Renown, Saskatchewan. Killed May 4/43 age 20. #22 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Park E.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hodgson is buried in the Stratford-on-Avon Cemetery, Evesham Road, Warwickshire, England.

HODGSON, RICHARD WILLIAM F/O(N) J38227//R124225. From Blue Ridge, Alberta. Killed in Action Feb 3/45 age 31. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Wiesbaden, Germany. The crew of Lancaster aircraft #KB 750 had completed their night bombing run and were homeward bound when their aircraft was hit by flak. The Lancaster went down near Wolf, Germany. F/Os B.W. Martin, J.A. McDonald, P/Os P.F. English, R.A. Nisbet, and Sgt J. McAfee (RAF) were also killed. The rear gunner, FS McTaggart, was the only member of the crew to get out of the stricken aircraft and he was taken Prisoner of War as soon as he landed. For all the members of this crew this was their 16th operation. Flying Officer Navigator Hodgson was buried at Wolf, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.

HODGSON, RUSSELL F/O(NJ) J14676. From Mimico, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 4/43 age 22. #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Perficite). Halifax aircraft #BB 428 went down twenty miles south-east of the target Cologne, Germany at Winter-Scheidt. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. One of the crew, not Canadian, taken Prisoner of War. Flying Officer Navigator Hodgson was buried at Winter-Scheidt, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.

HODICHAK, JOHN CARL FS(AG) R214284. From Millgrove, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 12145. #356 Squadron (We Bring Freedom And Assistance). Liberator aircraft crashed. Please see Hill G.W. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hodichak is buried in the Taukkyan War Cemetery, Rangoon, Burma.

HODSON, ARTHUR COLES KITCHENER P/O(WAG) J86273//R103899. From Newton Station, British Columbia. Killed in Action Mar 16/44 age 27. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Target – Stuttgart, Germany. Please see Colville A.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hodson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HODSON, GEORGE LEONARD SGT(P) 1259043 – Royal Air Force. From Hudson, Quebec. Killed in Action Jul 3/42 age 19. #217 Squadron. Sgt Hodson lost his life when his Beaufort aircraft failed to return from operations. There were two #217 Sqdn. aircraft lost this date, following is a list of personnel killed. Sgts F.S. Weaver (RNZAF), D.M. Davis (RAF), F.K. Dennis (RAF), H. Hole (RAF), J. Hutcheson (RAF), R.G. Mercer (RAF), and L.A. York (RAF). Sergeant Pilot Hodson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.

HOESE, BILL INGALLS SGT(P) R67911. From Worthington, Indiana, U.S.A. Killed Oct 14/41 age 26. #22 Operational Training Unit. Sgt Hoese lost his life when Wellington aircraft #R 1654 flew into the ground at Little Rissington during poor visibility. Sergeant Pilot Hoese is buried in St. Peter Churchyard, Little Rissington, Gloucestershire, England.

HOEY, JAMES WILLIAM DOUGLAS WO2(P) R107769. From Kelso, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 24/43 age 22. #218 Gold Coast Squadron (In Time). Stirling aircraft #BF 501 crashed at Scherpenhewel, Belgium during operations over Elberfeld, Germany. Seven RAF members of the crew, Sgts P.E. Collingwood, R.L. Edgoose, A.W. Erne, T.E. Lloyd, J. Thomson, FSs L. De Bottle, and R.F. Garrod were also killed. There were two pilots on board for this operation. Warrant Officer Class II Pilot Hoey is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Kaggevinne, Brabant, Belgium.

HOFFMAN, ALBERT P/O(P) J9477//R101290. From Ritzville, Washington, U.S.A. Killed May 30/42 age 23. #31 Operational Training Unit, Debert, Nova Scotia. P/O Hoffman was killed in Hudson aircraft #AM 737 while attempting a single-engine landing. He had to go around again to avoid an aircraft on the runway, the Hudson went out of control and crashed into some woods at the aerodrome boundary at Debert. Pilot Officer Pilot Hoffman is buried in the Memorial Cemetery at R itzv Ile, Washington, U.S.A.

HOFFMAN, LOUIS EDWARD P/O(WAG) J939361/R202887. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Feb 21/45 age 25. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Lancaster aircraft #KB 809 missing during a night trip to Dortmund, Germany. P/Os J.W. Kopp, F.E. Newman, and W.S. Dickson were also killed. Three Canadians, F/O MacGugan, WO Lehman, and FS Darley, were taken Prisoners of War. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hoffman is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOFFMAN, THEODORE ROBERT F/O(P) J9740. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 30/43 age 21. #77 Squadron (Esse Potius Quam Videri). Halifax aircraft #JB 956 was shot down at Holstein, Germany whilst engaged in night operations against Hamburg, Germany. FSs W.E. Hoggan (RAF), G.H. Sutton (RAF), T.H. Greaves (RAF), Sgts W.H. Ford (RAF), and A.W.G. Fox (RAF) were also killed. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hoffman was buried at Holstein, exhumed, and reburied in the Kiel War Cemetery, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Addendum: The correct spelling is W.E. Hogan. Aircraft # JB 956-0. Also killed were Sgts W. Brown (RAF) and E.T. Barry (RAF). Detail from “Some of the Many” by Roy Walker, Kent, England.

HOFFMAN, WILLIAM GLADSTONE F/L(P) J26779. From Vancouver British Columbia. Killed in Action Jul 28/44 age 21. #78 Squadron (Nemo Non Paratus). Halifax aircraft #MZ 340 was shot down on the way into the target at Foret De Nieppe, France. F/L Hoffman kept the aircraft under control so that his crew could bail out. One Canadian, Sgt Laing, was taken Prisoner of War. F/O R.H. Winter (RAF) was also killed and four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed taken Prisoners of War. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hoffman is buried in the Communal Cemetery at St. Joris-lez-Nieuport, West Flanders, Belgium.

HOFFORTH, BERNARD MATHEW SGT(FE) R149223. From Foremost, Alberta. Killed in Action Jul 29/44 age 23. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Lancaster aircraft #DS 654 missing from a night trip to Hamburg, Germany. P/O E.A. Goodwin was also killed. Five Canadians, P/O Boehmer, WO Phipp, Sgt Ducharme, FS Wulff, and F/O Coffey were taken Prisoners of War. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. There were two #408 Sqdn. aircraft lost this night. Please see F/L G. Croucher M.i.D. for information regarding the other crew and aircraft. Sergeant Flight Engineer Hofforth is buried in the Becklingen War Cemetery, Soltau, Germany.

HOGAN, CLYDE JOHN P/O(WAG) J88327. From Upper Granville, Nova Scotia. Killed Oct 2/44 age 24. #1664 Heavy Conversion Unit. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see FS Roy Smith for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hogan is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HOGAN, DERYCK F/L(P) J9122. From Rockingham, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Feb 19/45 age 25. #11 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Liberator aircraft #3715 failed to return from operations over the Atlantic Ocean. WO H.L. Teasdale, F/Ls G.F. Apps, E.C. Ireland, P/O W.R. Grant, FS D.A. MacLellan, and F/O D. Murphy were also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hogan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HOGAN, FRANCIS JOSEPH FS(013) R111255. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 13/42 age -24. #10 Squadron (Rem Acu Tangere). Target Kiel, Germany. Please see Lindsay J.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Observer Hogan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOGAN, FRANK EDWARD P/O(BA) J92655//R178731. From St. Albert, Alberta. Killed in Action Feb 2/45 age 21. #428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem). Target – Wiesbaden, Germany. Please see F/L D.E. Berry A.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Hogan is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HOGAN, JOE DOUGLAS F/O(P) J21411. From Amherst, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Sep 24/43 age 20. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Lancaster aircraft #LM 336 missing from a night trip to Mannheim, Germany. F/O R.N. Millar, FS J.P. Gordon, WO W.H. Arnold, Sgts E.O. Bryant (RAF), and C.L. Kingsnorth (RAF) were also killed. One other crew member, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hogan is buried in the New Communal Cemetery, Clichy, Seine, France.

HOGAN, LEONARD IGNATIUS FS(AG) R160470. From Utopia, Ontario. Killed Jan 23/44 age 20. #1679 Conversion Unit. Lancaster aircraft crashed. Please see MacDonald F.W. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hogan is buried in the City Cemetery, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.

HOGAN, RICHARD WILFRED GERALD WO2(AG) R79184. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Mar 27/43 age 21. #101 Squadron (Mens Agitat Molem). Lancaster aircraft #W 4322 was shot down at Wunstorf, Germany during night operations over enemy territory. P/O F. Prosperine, Sgts W. Bell (RAF), P.J. Edwards (RAF), G.E. Moore (RAF), J.S. Priestley (RAF), and G. Wilson (RAF) were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Hogan was buried at Wunstorf, exhumed, and reburied in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.

HOGARTH, GEORGE ALEXANDER FS(P) R95351. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Oct 4/42 age 21. #249 Squadron (Pugnis Et Calcibus). Spitfire aircraft was damaged by enemy action and crashed while landing at Krendi, Malta. Flight Sergeant Pilot Hogarth is buried in the Capuccini Naval Cemetery, Malta.

HOGARTH, WILLIAM ELDER SGT(AG) R149420. From Cochrane, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 28/43 age 24. #467 Australia Squadron. Lancaster aircraft #EE 194 was shot down near Mausdorf, Germany during night operations, an attack against Nuremberg, Germany. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Air Gunner Hogarth was buried in an isolated grave at Mausdorf, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HOGBEN, DONALD LORNE FS(WAG) R91395. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Dec 22/42 age 21. #466 Australia Squadron. Wellington aircraft failed to return from a night training flight and a defence exercise. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hogben has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOGG, ALLAN F/O(WAG) C14429. From Merritt, British Columbia. Killed Jan 28/43 age 27. #7 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron. Shark aircraft #547 had been engaged in calibration-of-operations signals and crashed on landing. The aircraft broke up and sank in the harbour at Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hogg is buried in the Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Ontario.

HOGG, DONALD ALLAN F/O(N) J21352. From Thamesford, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 26/43 age 25. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Halifax aircraft #JD 325 was shot down at Carignan during night operations over enemy territory. F/Os W.R. Bloch, E.A. Burton, Sgt D.J. Metz, FS P.T. McCallum, Sgts V.W. McGray (RAF), and T. Wainwright (RAF) were also killed. There were two #429 Sqdn. aircraft lost on this date. Please see P/O D.A. Scott for information regarding the other crew and aircraft. Flying Officer Navigator Hogg is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Carignan, Ardennes, France. Addendum: Halifax 10325 was one of 262 allied bomber aircraft dispatched on operations to Frankfurt on the night of 25th-26th November 1943. She failed to return having been shot down in flames, crashing near the town of Carignan in Normandy. The aircraft was seen on fire over the town, had circled and tried to land, and finally crashed on the top of the hill. Detail provided by David E. Thompson, Middlesborough, England.

HOGG, DOUGLAS ALLAN FS(AG) R141441. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 4/43 age 20. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Target – Cologne, Germany. Please see Taylor W.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hogg is buried in the Centre Cemetery, Maubeuge, Nord, France.

HOGG, JAMES EASSON S/L(P) J21119//R70097 D.F.C. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed Mar 23/45 age 24. #438 Wild Cat Squadron (Going Down). S/L Hogg was killed when his Typhoon aircraft #MP 138 crashed in the sea two miles off shore off Abbotsbury, Dorset, England. It is suspected the aircraft went into a high-speed stall during a dive- bombing practice. Squadron Leader Pilot Hogg has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOGG, JOHN DOUGLAS P/O(WAG) J95086//R184796. From Thamesford, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 15/44 age 20.,#432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Target – Wilhelmhaven, Germany. Please see Speller D.W. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hogg is buried in the Sage War Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land Niedersachsen, Germany.

HOGG, JOHN MACLEOD F/O(P) J10992. From Perth, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 12/43 age 23. #32 Squadron (Adeste Cornites). F/O Hogg was killed when Hurricane aircraft #KX 126 crashed in the harbour at Sousse, cause unknown. He was attached to #152 Squadron at the time of his death. Flying Officer Pilot Hogg is buried in the Enfidaville War Cemetery, Tunisia, North Africa.

HOGG, LEONARD HUNTER P/O(WAG) J95085//R204535. From San Francisco, California, U.S.A. Killed in Action Oct 14/44 age 21. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai). Halifax aircraft #MZ 674 was shot down near Lobberich, south-west of the target Duisburg, German during daylight operations. F/O D.A. Butler, P/Os C.M. Crabtree, and F.H. Eade were also killed. Four Canadians, F/L Galipeau, FSs Bazinet, Williamson, and Sgt Pare, were taken Prisoners of War. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hogg is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOGG, MERVIN COOKSLEY F/L(P) J20942//R134359 M.i.D. From Warren, Manitoba. Killed in Action Apr 19/45 age 24. #14 Squadron (I Spread My Wings And Keep My Promise). Wellington aircraft #NC 419 crashed at Trevane Point near St. Eval, Cornwall, England. F/O G.S. Smith and four of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hogg has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOGG, WILLIAM JAMES FS(NB) R97033. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 13/43 age 20. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Lancaster aircraft lost. Please see Peterson L.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator/Bomb Aimer Hogg was buried at Lorient, exhumed, and reburied in the Communal Cemetery, Gavres, Morbihan, France.

HOGGARD, GORDON ALBERT F/O(N) J40429//R178393. From Banff, Alberta. Killed in Action Feb 23/45 age 23. #158 Squadron (Strength In Unity). Target – Essen, Germany. Please see Hall, Clifford W. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Hoggard has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOGGARD, LESTER ELWOOD LAC R156592 – aero engine mechanic. From Redwing, Ontario. Died Dec 12/42 age 22. One of sixteen airmen killed in the Knights of Columbus Hostel fire at St. John’s, Newfoundland. Please see Sturgeon J.G. for casualty list. Leading AirCraftman Hoggard is buried in the Gander Cemetery, Gander, Newfoundland.

HOIDAS, IRVINE FRANK P/O(OB) J5694. From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 20/42 age 21. #7 Squadron (Per Diem Per Noctum). Stirling aircraft lost. Please see FS G.J. Kearns M.I.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Observer Hoidas was buried at St. Trond, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery, Heverlee, Brabant, Belgium.

HOKAN, JUNIUS LYMAN EDWARD F/O(P) J6833. From St. Catharines, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 26/42 age 20. #401 Ram Squadron (Mors Celerrima Hostibus). F/O Hokan was returning from a cross-channel sweep when his Spitfire aircraft ran out of fuel. He was killed when he crashed in the English Channel. Flying Officer Pilot Hokan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLBECK, JOHN EDMUND SGT(AG) R197059. From Kingsville, Ontario. Killed Nov 6/43 age 19. #26 Operational Training Unit. Two Wellington aircraft collided and crashed near Huntington at Abbots, Ripton, England. Sgt Holbeck, F/O D. Potts and three of the crew, not Canadians, were all killed in aircraft #X 3924. Sergeant Air Gunner Holbeck is buried in the Batley Cemetery, North Hinskey, Berkshire, England.

HOLBROOK, HERBERT EDWARD F/O(P) J20023. From Westmount, Quebec. Killed in Action Jun 12/43 age 24. #412 Falcon Squadron (Promtus Ad Vindictum). F/O Holbrook was on a shipping reconnaissance in Spitfire aircraft #EE 720 when he was shot down by an enemy FW-190 fighter aircraft. He was too low to bail out and was killed when the Spitfire crashed in the sea about twenty miles northwest of lie de Batz, France. Flying Officer Pilot Holbrook has no known grave, his name is in.,scribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLCOMBE, FRANCIS WILLIAM WO1(WAG) R66066. From St. Catharines, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 8/43 age 21. #215 Squadron (Surgite Nox Adest). Wellington aircraft #HE 126 went down near Jessore. Five of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Warrant Officer Class I Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holcombe was buried at Jessore, exhumed, and reburied in the Chittagong Military Cemetery, Pakistan.

HOLDEN, ERNEST LESLIE F/L(P) J7447. From Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Apr 26/45 age 22. #58 Squadron (Alis Nocturnis). Halifax aircraft missing. Please see Robson T.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Holden is buried in the Churchyard at Mandal, Norway.

HOLDEN, FRED WILLIAM P/O(OB) 45096 – Royal Air Force. From St. George, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Apr 18/41 age 20. #61 Squadron (Per Puranri Tunantes). Hampden aircraft lost over Cherbourg. Two of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Observer Holden is buried at Cherbourg, France.

HOLDEN, THOMAS DOUGLAS P/O(P) J15097//R74 596. From Chilliwack, British Columbia. Killed in Action’ Dec 16/41 age 20. #411 Grizzly Bear Squadron (Inimicus Inimico). P/O Holden lost his life when his Spitfire aircraft #AD 117 was shot down during a cross- channel sweep. Pilot Officer Pilot Holden is buried in the Communal Cemetery at Pihen-les-Guines, Pas-de-Calais, France.

HOLDEN, WILLIAM P/O(P) J17213//R107089. From Senlac, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 5/43 age 21. #7 Squadron (Per Diem Per Noctum), Pathfinder Force. Stirling aircraft #BK 773 lost over enemy-held territory, presumed enemy action. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Holden is buried in the General Cemetery, Bergen, Holland.

HOLDER, JAMES CAULFIELD F/O(P) J25779. From Princeton, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 4/44 age 22. #137 Squadron (Do Right Fear Naught). F/O Holder was attacking a Coaster when his Typhoon aircraft #JR 511 was hit by flak. He was killed when his aircraft crashed in the sea at the mouth of the Oosterchelde River, Holland. Flying Officer Pilot Holder is buried in the General Cemetery, Vlieland, Frisian Islands, Friesland, Holland.

HOLDER, RALPH ELLARD P/O(P) J5496. From Sturgeon Falls, Ontario. Killed Dec 9/41 age 20. #25 Squadron (Feriens Tego). P/O Holder was killed when his Beaufighter aircraft #X 7580 stalled on take-off at RAF Station, Wittering. Pilot Officer Pilot Holder is buried in the All Saints Churchyard, Wittering, Northamptonshire, England.

HOLDING, JAMES ASHWORTH SGT(P) R193223. From Niagara Falls, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 23/44 age 22. #126 Flying Lancers Squadron, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Sgt Holding was flying Hurricane aircraft #5636 and failed to recover from a dive whilst descending from 30,000 feet. He was killed when his aircraft crashed one half mile east of East Chezzetook, Nova Scotia. Sergeant Pilot Holding is buried in the Fairview Cemetery at Niagara Falls, Ontario.

HOLDITCH, GORDON WILLIAM FS(N) R140533. From Boissevain, Manitoba. Killed Aug 17/43 age 20. #23 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see FS Joseph Taylor for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Holditch is buried in the Botley Cemetery, North Hinksey, Berkshire, England.

HOLENCHUK, WILLIAM P/O(BA) J85619. From Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jun 9/44 age 25. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Mayeene, France. Please see Sootheran A.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Holenchuk is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HOLGATE, JOHN ARTHUR LAC(BA) R184765 – under training. From Edmonton, Alberta. Died Jun 18/43 age 20. #1 Bombing and Gunnery School, Jarvis, Ontario. Two Anson aircraft collided on June 15, 1943. LAC HoIgate succumbed to his injuries three days later. Please see Samuel H.P. for casualty list and flight detail. Leading AirCraftman Bomb Aimer Holgate is buried in the Beechmount Cemetery at Edmonton, Alberta.

HOLKE, ALDRENE GAIL P/O(N) J88495//R172997. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action May 8/44 age 24. #619 Squadron. Lancaster aircraft #ND 730 missing during night operations against Salbris, France. F/O N.A. Loranger and six RAF members of the crew were also killed. There were two #103 Sqdn. aircraft lost in the same area on this date. The following is a list of the RAF casualties of both aircraft; P/O C.A. Bartlett, Sgts J.A. Roberts, R.N. Johnson, B.D. West, R.G. Williams, FSs E.C. Fry, R.A.F. Loretan, S.R. Patti, H.G. Pratt, F/Os E.R. Penman, E.L. Sharp, and L.D. Steylaerts. Pilot Officer Navigator HoIke is buried in the Main Cemetery, Orleans, Cher, France.

HOLLAND, GLEN ALLEN F/L(P) J7917. From Bronxville, New York, U.S.A. Killed in Action Apr 21/44 age 23. #605 County of Warwick Squadron (Nunquam Dormio). Mosquito aircraft #NS 928 did not return from a night intruder patrol north-east of Munster at Handorf, Germany. The navigator, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Holland is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLLAND, JOHN FS(P) 1071582 – Royal Air Force. From Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Killed Sep 28/42 age 22. FS Holland was an instructor at the time of his death. Flight Sergeant Pilot Holland is buried in the Cemetery at Sherwood, near Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

HOLLAND, JOSEPH SGT(FE) R53029. From Lansing, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 22/43 age 21. #428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem). Halifax aircraft #W 1271 was shot down at night at Breda, Princenhagen, Germany. Six of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. The aircraft belonged to #419 Moose Squadron. Sergeant Flight Engineer Holland was buried at Breda, exhumed, and reburied in the Canadian War Cemetery, Bergen-Op-Zoom, Holland.

HOLLAND, LLOYD ELLISON FS(WAG) R60261. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed in Action Sep 16/42 age 20. #142 Squadron (Determination). Wellington aircraft was shot down at night near Dusseldorf, Germany. WO D. Udell and FS J.W. Whear were also killed. Two of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holland was buried in the Military Cemetery at Dusseldorf, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLLAND, ROY SIDNEY P/O(AG) J90393//R168386. From Oshawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 12/44 age 20. #635 Squadron (Nos Ducimus Ceteri Secunter). Lancaster aircraft #PB 401 was shot down near Dusseldorf, Germany during a daylight trip to Gelsenkirchen, Germany. P/O T.A. Hennessy and five of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Holland was buried in the North Military Cemetery at Dusseldorf, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLLENBACH, EDWARD HENRY SGT(P) R109230. From Big Valley, Alberta. Killed Aug 14/42 age 21. #124 Ferry Squadron, Rockcliffe, Ontario. Anson aircraft crashed. Please see Paterson P.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Pilot Hollenbach is buried in the Protestant Cemetery at Big Valley, Alberta.

HOLLENBACK, FRASER CLARKE P/O(BA) J92611//R150901. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Jul 19/44 age 20. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Lancaster aircraft #LL 943 did not return from operations against Aulnoe, France. Sgts F. Allen (RAF), R. Morton (RAF), H. Simmonds (RAF), E. Wakeman (RAF), P/Os R.E. Pellew (RAF), and E. Tibbits (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Hollenback is buried in the St. Roch Communal Cemetery, Valenciennes, Nord, France.

HOLLETT, LLOYD RUSSEL SGT(BA) 798763 – Royal Air Force. From St. John’s, Newfoundland. Killed Aug 2/45 age 24. Sergeant Bomb Aimer Hollett is buried in the Ramish Cemetery, Israel.

HOLLEY, FRANKLIN JARRETT LAC(P) R63578 – under training. From Tavistock, Ontario. Died Nov 16/40 age 23. #2 Service Flying Training School, Uplands, Ontario. Died in the General Hospital at Stratford, Ontario of injuries sustained in an automobile accident near Stratford. Leading AirCraftman Pilot Holley is buried in the McTavish Cemetery, Tavistock, Ontario.

HOLLIDAY, DAVID ANDREW FS(AG) R254557. From Cardinal, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 15/45 age 19. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus), Pathfinder Force. Target – Misburg, Germany. Please see Parkhurst K.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Holliday is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.

HOLLINGER, GREGORY JOSEPH F/O(AG) J45933. From Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 6/45 age 23. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Chemnitz, Germany. Please see Leet F.R. for casualty list and flight detail. This was F/O Hollinger’s fourth operation. Flying Officer Air Gunner Hollinger is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HOLLINGSHEAD, CHARLES WILLIAM WO2(WAG) R86757. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Jan 21/43 age 26. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Wellington aircraft #BJ 966 failed to return from a mine-laying operation off the Frisian Islands, presumed enemy action. Sgt A.G. Olson, C.A. Dunphy, F/O E.G. Kendel, FSs S.J. Gergly, and R.H. Welsh were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hollingshead has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLLINGWORTH, CHARLES RAYMOND SGT(WAG) R58216. From Armstrong, British Columbia. Killed Nov 1/41 age 24. #16 Operational Training Unit. Sgt Hollingworth lost his life when Hampden aircraft #P 5303 crashed near the aerodrome at Leamington, England. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hollingworth is buried in the StratfordOn-Avon Cemetery, Evesham Road, Warwickshire, England.

HOLLINSWORTH, JACK ATHELSTON WO2(WAG) R77422. From Long Branch, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 17/42 age 34. #103 Squadron (Noll Me Tangere). Lancaster aircraft #W 4786 crashed in the south of Jutland. P/Os A.D. MacDonald, H.B. Smith (RAF), Sgts G.T. Canterbury (RAF), F.R. Collins (RAF), N. Frater (RAF), and F/O S.T. Hewitt (RAF) were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hollinsworth is buried in the Aabenraa Cemetery, Jutland, Denmark.

HOLLOWAY, DONALDSON RENDALL F/O(P) J25803//R177108. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed Apr 15/44 age 21. #1664 Heavy Conversion Unit. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Smith J.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Holloway is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HOLLOWELL, DONALD TERENCE P/O(P) J24107//R107992. From Wolseley, Saskatchewan. Killed Mar 19/43. #111 Operational Training Unit. BROTHER to Robert Spencer Hollowell. Mitchell aircraft crashed on March 18, 1943 and P/O Hollowell died the next day. Please see Daiken A.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Hollowell is buried in the Nassau War Cemetery, Bahamas.

HOLLOWELL, ROBERT SPENCER P/O(WAG) J17511. From Wolseley, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 1/43 age 21. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). BROTHER to Donald Terence Hollowell. Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Sodero A.T. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hollowell has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLLY, GEORGE EUGENE F/O(P) J15963. From Whitby, Ontario. Killed in Action May 24/44 age 26. #422 Flying Yachtsmen Squadron (This Arm Shall Do It). Sunderland aircraft missing. Please see Seely J.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Holly has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLLYER, PERCY SGT(AG) R156906. From Weston, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 12/43 age 20. #78 Squadron (Nemo Non Paratus). Halifax aircraft #HR 684 went down over the target Dusseldorf, Germany, presumed enemy action. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Air Gunner Hollyer was buried in the Military Cemetery at Dusseldorf, exhumed, and reburied fn the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLM, GEORGE RUSSEL WO2(BA) R86847. From Peace River, Alberta. Killed in Action Apr 11/43 age 20. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Lancaster aircraft lost. Please see Lalonde L.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Bomb Aimer Holm is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HOLMBERG, CARL DELBERT THEODORE F/L(WAG) J10169. From Minnedosa, Manitoba. Killed in Action Apr 9/44 age 23. #38 Squadron (Ante Lucem). The crew of Wellington aircraft #HZ 598 were engaged in laying mines in the harbour at Melos, Greece when they were shot down. Sgt J.A. Chambers (RAF) and FS W.N. Hartley (RAF) were also killed. One other member of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed, one Canadian survived. Flight Lieutenant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holmberg was buried at Melos, exhumed, and reburied in the Phaleron War Cemetery, Athens, Greece.

HOLMES, ANDREW FS(N) R76189. From New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Aug 28/42 age 20. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Saarbrucken, Germany. Please see Zaparynuk P.K. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Holmes is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Gosselies, Hainaut, Belgium.

HOLMES, ANGUS WHAR1NG P/O(AG) J953331/R252285. From Sydney, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Mar 15/45 age 20. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Target – Lutzkendorf, Germany. Please see Thompson R.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Holmes has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLMES, ARTHUR SIDNEY FRASER P/O(AG) J38159. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 22/44 age 20. #433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S’y Frotte S’y Pique). Target – Dusseldorf, Germany. Please see F/O G.C. Burns M.i.D for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Holmes is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLMES, FRANK ALEX WO2(P) R61031. From Elnora, Alberta. Killed in Action Jun 3/42 age 25. #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Perficite). Halifax aircraft lost. Please see FS G.H. Marks for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Pilot Holmes has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLMES, FREDERICK WILLIAM SGT(P) 1252631 – Royal Air Force. From Fort William, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 27/42 age 20. #158 Squadron (Strength In Unity). Halifax aircraft failed to return from operations. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Pilot Holmes has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLMES, JOHN GORDON FS(WAG) R68171. From London, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 7/42. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Lorient, France. Please see Smith C.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holmes is buried in the Church Cemetery at Upavon, Wiltshire, England.

HOLMES, JOHN SINCLAIR LAC R188236 – air frame mechanic. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 16/44 age 22. #440 Beaver Squadron. Typhoon aircraft crashed. Please see P/O C.J. McConvey for casualty list and flight detail. Leading AirCraftman Holmes is buried in the Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery, Reviers, Calvados, France.

HOLMES, JOHN WARDMAN SGT(AG) 2210805 – Royal Air Force. From Alberta. Killed in Action Jan 26/45 age 36. #148 Squadron (Trusty). Sergeant Air Gunner Holmes is buried in the War Cemetery, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

HOLMES, JOSEPH ANDREW CLETUS SGT(AG) R143622. From Wilsons Corners, Quebec. Killed in Action Aug24/43 age 21. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Stirling aircraft lost. Please see FS A. Davidson for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Holmes was buried in the Garrison Cemetery at Dobertiz, exhumed, and reburied in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HOLMES, LEONARD LAWRENCE F/L C8076 – radio mechanic. From St. Catharines, Ontario. Killed Oct 17/43 age 23. #10 Group, Radio Head Quarters. F/L Holmes was killed in a collision with an army lorry whilst motorcycling on duty. The accident occurred near Salisbury on the Airmans Cross Road, Sherewton, England. Flight Lieutenant Holmes is buried in the Haycombe Cemetery, Bath, Englishcombe, Somerset, England.

HOLMES, PHILLIPS LAC R143895. From New York City, New York, U.S.A. Killed Aug 12/42 age 31. #124 Ferry Squadron, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Two Anson aircraft collided. Please see Kirby J.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Leading AirCraftman Holmes is buried in the Gate of Heaven Cemetery, New York City, New York, U.S.A.

HOLMES, RICHARD KEVIN FS(P) R122439. From Hollywood, California, U.S.A. Killed May 15/43 age 31. #5 Operational Training Unit. Beaufort aircraft #DX 134 crashed at Church Island near Bellaghy, County Londonderry, Ireland. Sgt K.T. Devery (RNZAF) and two others of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Holmes is buried in the Milltown Roman Catholic Cemetery, Belfast, County Down, Ireland.

HOLMES, ROBERT SGT(P) 1332387 – Royal Air Force. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr /43 age 19. #38 Squadron (Ante Lucern). Wellington aircraft failed to return from operations. Sergeant Pilot Holmes is buried in the War Cemetery, Benghazi, Libya.

HOLMES, RUSSELL NEAL P/O(AG) J16538//R86687. From Marwayne, Alberta. Killed in Action Dec 16/42 age 20. #15 Squadron (Aim Sure). Stirling aircraft missing. Please see Kieswetter E.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Holmes is buried in the General Cemetery, Epe, Gelderland, Holland.

HOLMES, WILLIAM EDWARD WALL FS(N) R97505. From Estevan, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 1/42 age 20. #14 Operational Training Unit (Keep With The Pack). Hampden aircraft #P 5344 was on bombing operations over enemy territory when the pilot momentarily lost control of the aircraft off the Dutch Coast and instructed the crew to prepare to abandon aircraft. The pilot regained control about five seconds later but in the interim FS Holmes had bailed out. The pilot made a safe forced landing in a cornfield near Waterbeach, England and the aircraft was flown out after the corn was harvested. Flight Sergeant Navigator Holmes has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLMES A’COURT, WALTER ALEXANDER F/O(P) J18161. From Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jan2/44 age 20. #44 Rhodesia Squadron (Fulmina Regis ‘lista). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see W/O. T.W. Myers for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Holmes A’Court is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HOLMLUND, CHESTER ALLEN P/O(N) J93868//R158316. From Glenside, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Feb 25/45 age 22. #298 Squadron. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Edick R.S. for casualty list and operation detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Holmlund has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLNESS, NELSON EARL FS(WAG) R104814. From Verdun, Quebec. Killed in Action Feb 5/43 age 39. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Target – Turin, Italy. Lancaster aircraft #ED 527 crashed north-east of Fez, near Ajnoul at Taza, French Morocco. WO L.A. Cumming, Sgt M.S. Napier and four of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holness was buried at Taza, exhumed, and reburied in Le Petit Lac Cemetery, Oran, Algeria.

HOLNESS, ROBERT EDWARD F/L(P) J13692. From Lakeview, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 27/44 age 24. #421 Red Indian Squadron (Bellicum Cecinere). F/L Holness was flying his Spitfire aircraft #MJ 146 on a high patrol and was last seen in the area of Eindhoven, Holland, presumed enemy action. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Holness is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLOBOW, FREDERICK MICHAEL WO2(N) R77570. From Mission City, British Columbia. Killed in Action Apr 13/43 age 21. #489 New Zealand Squadron. WO Holobow, Sgt I. Griffiths (RNZAF), and FS W.J. MacErlich (RNZAF) were all killed when Hampden aircraft #P 1257 went missing from a daylight trip over enemy-held territory. Warrant Officer Class II Navigator Holobow is buried in the Rossebo Churchyard, Haugesund, Norway.

HOLOWATY, WILLIAM FS(AG) R257034. From Rochester, Alberta. Killed Jun 18/45 age 26. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai). FS Holowaty was the only casualty and was killed when his Lancaster aircraft #KB 934 collided with another aircraft moving to take position in rotation for take-off to Canada. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Holowaty is buried in the War Cemetery at Lajes on Terceira Island, The Azores.

HOLOWAY, LUCAS P/O(P) J86147. From Chipman, Alberta. Killed in Action Jun 11/44 age 29. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Target – Versailles, France. Please see Lancaster J.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Holoway is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Theuville, Eure-et-Loir, France.

HOLSETH, GARNET CARLYSLE F/O(P) J25929. From Port Arthur, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 30/44 age 35. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Target – Konigsberg, Germany. Please see ConoIly J.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Holseth has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLT, CHARLES RAY LAC(P) R97663 – under training. From Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Died Aug 31141. #19 Elementary Flying Training School, Virden, Manitoba. LAC Holt accidentally drowned in Green Bay, Lake Superior, Ontario. Leading AirCraftman Pilot Holt has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HOLT, PETER GRATTAN F/O(P) J12470. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action May 30/43 age 19. #44 Rhodesia Squadron (Fulmina Regis lusta). Lancaster aircraft #EE 123 was shot down at Venio, Holland. Six of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Holt was buried at Venlo, exhumed, and reburied in the Jonkerbos War Cemetery, Nijmegen, Holland.

HOLT, WILLIAM PHILLIP CPL R76130 – aero engine mechanic. From Greenwich, Kings County, Nova Scotia. Killed Aug 29/43 age 24. #427 Lion Squadron (Ferte Manus Certas). Oxford aircraft crashed. Please see P/O R.L. Henry for casualty list and flight detail. Corporal Holt is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HOLTAN, RALPH HENRY P/O(N) J95320//R113322. From Westlock, Alberta. Killed in Action Feb 12/45 age 29. #435 Chinthe Squadron (Certi Provehendi). Dakota aircraft missing. Please see F/O T.G. Burton for casualty list and other detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Holtan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.

HOLTBY, ROBERT ARMSTRONG F/O(N) J21529. From Marshall, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Dec 29/43 age 32. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Halifax aircraft #LK 701 did not return from night operations, an attack against Berlin, Germany. F/O G.E. Bishop, Sgts J.J. Whelan, G.D. Kehoe, and FS G. Cummine were also killed. There were two #431 Sqdn. aircraft lost in the same area on this date. The following RAF personnel were also killed; Sgts A.H.R. Fielding, F.G. Goodall, L.C. Nosworthy, P. Walker, and P/O A.E.F. Banning. Flying Officer Navigator Holtby is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.

HOLTZE, JACK F/O(P) J85593. From London, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 2/44 age 27. #428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem). Target – Dusseldorf, Germany. Please see Samuel A.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Holtze is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOLUB, MICHAEL P/O(P) J10250. From Didsbury, Alberta. Killed in Action Sep 14/42 age 25. #21 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft was lost off the Frisian Islands. FS W.C. Pedersen was also killed. Three of crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Holub has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOLYDAY, FREDERICK CHARLES AC2(WAG) R251488. From New Toronto, Ontario. Killed Jun2/43 age 18. #4 Wireless School, Guelph, Ontario. ACs Holyday, C.V. Ward, and LAC J.A. Gaudet were all killed in an automobile accident at Breslau, Ontario. AirCraftman Second Class Wireless Operator Air Gunner Holyday is buried in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario.

HOLYK, NICHOLAS P/O(BA) J92012//R160670. From Mount Cartier, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jun 24/44 age 35. #148 Squadron (Trusty). Halifax aircraft missing. Please see Robertson J.R. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Holyk is buried in the Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa, Italy.

HOLYOKE, GEORGE ROYAL P/O(P) 42710 – Royal Air Force. From Fredericton, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Sep 4/40 age 24. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Blenheim aircraft returned from a North Sea patrol and crashed on an aerodrome in England. Pilot Officer Pilot Holyoke is buried in the Lossiemouth Burial Ground, Drainie, Morayshire, Scotland.

HOMAN, HOWARD JOHN LAC R150859. From Killam, Alberta. Died Apr 19/44 age 25. Leading AirCraftman Homan is buried in the Killam Cemetery, Killam, Alberta.

HOME, ALLAN LOCKWOOD WO2(AG) R90950. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed in Action May 13/43 age 26. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Lancaster aircraft lost. Please see Sheehan H.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Home is buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Gendringen, Gelderland, Holland.

HONDERICH, ROBERT WAYNE F/O(WAG) J14993. From Baden, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 12/44. #27 Squadron (Quam Cellerimi Ad Astra). Ventura aircraft flew into a mountain in bad weather near Darling, South Africa. Three RAF members of the crew were also killed. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Honderich is buried in the Plumstead Cemetery, Cape Town, South Africa.

HONE, ARTHUR DAVID F/O(P) J22887. From Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 8/44 age 24. #64 Squadron (Tenax Propositi). Target – escort duty to Duisburg, Germany. F/O Hone took off in poor visibility in Mustang aircraft #KH 445 and experienced difficulty shortly after take-off. He made one complete circuit, stalled the aircraft on final and crashed at Bradwell Bay, England. Flying Officer Pilot Hone is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HONE, DOUGLAS SGT 1035. From London, Ontario. Died Jul 5/41 age 24. #400 City of Toronto Squadron (Percussuri Vigiles). Death by natural causes while in the Canadian General Hospital at Bramsholt, England. Sergeant Hone is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HONEYCOMBE, RICHARD BYRNE FS(P) R96328. From Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Killed in Action Dec 4/42 age 20. #402 City of Winnipeg Squadron. Spitfire aircraft did not return from a cross-channel sweep. Flight Sergeant Pilot Honeycombe is buried in the Souvenir Cemetery, Longuenesse, France.

HONG, JOSEPH F/O(N) J37185. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed in Action May 23/44 age 23. #24 Operational Training Unit (Cum Labore Adjuvantes). Target – Alencon, France. Please see Harris W.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Hong is buried in the Bretteville-Sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery, France.

HOOD, DONALD FRANCIS LAC(WAG) R122168 – under training. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Mar 23/42 age 21. #5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe, Saskatchewan. Two Fairey Battle aircraft collided. Please see Harris E.P. for casualty list and flight detail. Leading AirCraftman Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hood is buried in the Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, British Columbia.

HOOD, EDWARD EARL SGT(P) R53691. From New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Killed Mar 31/40 age 23. RCAF Station, Trenton, Ontario. Sgt Hood was killed in an automobile accident west of Belleville, Ontario. Sergeant Pilot Hood is buried in the Bloomfield Cemetery, New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

HOOD, FREDERICK WILLIAM P/O(N) J88657//R153331. From Halifax, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Jul 5/44 age 21. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Traget – St. Leu D’Esserent, France. Please see FS W.R. Moore for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Hood is buried in the Aubermesnil Churchyard, Seine Maritime, France.

HOOD, JOHN SPURGEON SGT(P) R188432. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Nov 8/44 age 22. #27 Operational Training Unit. The crew of Wellington aircraft #JA 343 took off on a cross-country flight and crashed twenty minutes later one mile south-west of Church Broughton, Derbyshire, England. Sgts Hi. Fernstrom, J.F. Gazzard, W. Drozdiak and two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Sergeant Pilot Hood is buried in the Blacon Cemetery, Chester, Cheshire, England.

HOOD, LEON ARTHUR F/O(P) C2789. From Adrian, Michigan, U.S.A. Killed Dec 8/40 age 33. #4 Bombing and Gunnery School, Fingal, Ontario. Fairey Battle aircraft crashed. Please see McNally J.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Hood is buried in the West Adrian Cemetery, Adrian, Michigan, U.S.A.

HOOD, RONALD WILLIAM FS(WAG) R78179. From Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 20/42 age 22. #37 Squadron (Wise Without Eyes). Target – the aerodrome at Heroklion, Crete. Please see P/O RD. Flitton for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hood has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Alamein War Memorial, Egypt.

HOOD, WILLIAM ANDREW FS(AG) R104231. From Bradsor, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Jun 29/43 age 20. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) Target – Cologne, Germany. Please see F/O H.W. Fowler A.F.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hood is buried in the Woensel General Cemetery, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Holland. Addendum: – FS Hood was from Bras D’Or, Nova Scotia, not Bradsor, Nova Scotia. Detail provided by D.A. Stallard, Trenton, Nova Scotia.

HOOEY, GILBERT CAMPBELL F/O(P) 65525 D.F.C. – Royal Air Force. From Trenton, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 24/42 age 32. #97 Squadron (Achieve Your Aim). Lancaster aircraft failed to return from operations. Six RAF members of the crew, Sgts V.J.A. Butler, R.C. Martin, P.V. Parry, FSs L. Grundy, A.H. Withers, and P/O E.J. Smitherman were also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Hooey is buried in the Churchyard at Westmalle, Antwerp, Belgium. His name is also inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOOEY, JAMES DOUGLAS CLIFFORD F/O(BA) J20237//R147236. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Mar 4/44 age 25. #215 Squadron (Surgite Nox Adest). Wellington aircraft failed to return from operations over the aerodrome at Zyathiwin. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Hooey has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.

HOOK, ALAN THOMAS F/O(AG) J25592. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 2/43 age 22. #57 Squadron (Corpus Non Animum Muto). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see FS B. Thomasberg for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Air Gunner Hook has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOOK, JOHN THOMAS F/L C8747 – signals. From Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A. Killed Feb 14/43 age 35. #1 Landline Maintenance Unit. Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see Stick J.R. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Hook is buried in Mount Herman Cemetery, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

HOOKER, EDWIN MILTON WO2(WAG) R187913. From Wheatley, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 31/45 age 21. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Lancaster aircraft #NG 345 was shot down by enemy Jet aircraft during a daylight trip to Hamburg, Germany. The Lancaster caught fire, exploded and crashed on the east side of the Autobahn between Bremen and Hamburg. WO J.H. Ledoux, F/O R.H. Fisher, FS L.J. Campeau, and Sgt R.L. Bailey (RAF) were also killed. Two Canadians, F/O Jones and P/O Rancourt, were thrown clear in the explosion, descended by parachute and were taken Prisoners of War. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hooter was buried at Nenndorf, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Becklingen War Cemetery, Soltau, Germany.

HOOKEY, JOSEPH PATRICK SGT(WAG) 798613 – Royal Air Force. From St. Johns, Newfoundland. Killed Sept. 25/42 age 26. #24 Operational Training Unit. Whitley aircraft # 130232 was on a cross-country training flight and was last heard from nearing the Irish Sea. An air-sea rescue search was initiated as well as a search over the high ground of North Wales. On the 27th improved visibility allowed art aircraft from Llanwrog to locate the burned out wreckage in the Carnedds. A search party from was sent from Llanwrog and the bodies of the five crew recovered. The crash site is a few hundred yards NE of Llyn Dulyn. Sgts Stuart (RNZAF), Smith (RAF), Hughes (RAF), and Hassell (RAF) were also killed: Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hookey is buried in the Caernarvon Cemetery, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Detail provided by S.J. Hookey, Brighton, Ontario.

HOOPCHUK, GEORGE F/O(N) J22746. From New Toronto, Ontario. Killed Oct 18/43 age 23. #24 Operational Training Unit (Cum Labore Adjuvantes). Whitley aircraft crashed. Please see Sherk J.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Hoopchuk is buried in Batley Cemetery, North Hinksey, Berkshire, England.

HOOFER, GEORGE CAMPS P/O(P) J16717//R80311. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 30/42 age 22. #142 Squadron (Determination). Wellington aircraft missing, presumed over target, presumed enemy action. Sgts R.E.E. Bedford (RAF), R.H. Foster (RAF), K. McLennan (RAF), H.A. Oates'(RAF), and R.F. Stainforth (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Hooper wass buried in the Churchyard at Olmen, Belgium, exhumed, and reinterred in the Canadian War Cemetery, East Flanders, Belgium.

HOOFER, GEORGE ROBERT,SGT(AG) R197102. From St. Thomas, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 4/43 age 18. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Target – Leipzig, Germany. Please see Hampton W.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hooper is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HOOPER, GEORGE THOMAS FS(AG) R177542. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Nov 3/43 age 28. #10 Squadron (Rem Acu Tangere). Halifax aircraft #JN 947 did not return from a night trip to Dusseldorf, Germany. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hooper is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.

HOOPER, HARRY DONALD FS(N) R191599. From London, Ontario. Killed Nov 26/44 age 20. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Lancaster aircraft missing. Please see FS I. McKinnon for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Hooper has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOOPER, HENRY W1LLETS P/O(P) J24902. From Athabasca, Alberta. Killed Oct 15/43 age 23. #1 General Reconnaissance School, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. P/O Hooper walked into the moving propeller of his aircraft on the aerodrome at Summerside. Pilot Officer Pilot Hooper is buried in the Edmonton Cemetery, Edmonton, Alberta.

HOOPER, JOHN SGT(FE) R70806. From Ceylon, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 24/43 age 23. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Target – Dortmund, Germany. Please see Slabotsky D. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Flight Engineer Hooper has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOOPER, JOHN KENNNETH SGT(AG) R91031. From Stouffville, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 9/42 age 21. #413 Tusker Squadron (Ad Vigilamus Undis). Catalina aircraft lost. Please see F/O R.G. Hervey for casualty list and other detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hooper has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.

HOOPLE, ALLAN LAC R125748. From Finch, Ontario. Died May 9/42 age 19. #2 Air Navigation School, Pennfield Ridge, New Brunswick. Death by natural causes while in the Lancaster Hospital, St. John, New Brunswick. Leading AirCraftman Hoople is buried in the Finch Cemetery, Finch, Ontario.

HOOVER, WALKER JULIUS P/O(WAG) J4569. From Rodney, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 22/41 age 22. #413 Tusker Squadron (Ad Vigilamus Undis). Catalina aircraft #AH 566 failed to return from an anti-sub patrol off the Norwegian Coast, presumed enemy action. W/C. R.G. Briese, Sgt K.C. Lawry, F/L G.C. Proby, and AC1 A.H. Agus (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hoover has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOPE, CLIFFORD LIONEL SGT(AG) R173734. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 17/43 age 27. #97 Squadron (Achieve Your Aim), Pathfinder Force. The crew of Lancaster aircraft #JB 117 encountered bad weather when returning from a trip to Berlin, Germany. The aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed one and one half miles north-east of the aerodrome at Graveley, England. FS D.R. Irvine and five of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Sergeant Air Gunner Hope is buried in the City Cemetery, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.

HOPE, DONALD JOHN F/O(OB) J11631. From Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan. Killed Feb 22/44 age 22. #42 Operational Training Unit. Anson aircraft crashed. Please see Menzies J.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Observer Hope is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HOPE, DONALD WILLIAM FS(AG) R59081. From Chafer, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 13/45 age 26. #11 Canadian Squadron, Patricia Bay, British Columbia. Liberator aircraft crashed. Please see Mann M. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hope is buried in an isolated grave on the south-west shore of Barkley Sound, fifteen miles south-east of Bamfield, British Columbia. His name is also inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HOPE, HUGH MUNRO F/L(P) C23855. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed Feb 22/45 age 26. #418 City of Edmonton Squadron. Mosquito aircraft #P Z388-crashed near Nieuwe-Schans whilst on a transport flight. The RAF navigator, F/O L.A. Thorpe, was also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Hope is buried in the General Cemetery at Nieuwe-Schans, Gronigen, Holland.

HOPE, JOHN CHARLES WILLIAM F/O(P) J27241. From Westmount, Quebec. Killed Jan 14/44 age 19. #438 Wild Cat Squadron (Going Down). F/O Hope was killed when his Hurricane aircraft #KJ 228 went into a spin, then crashed and burned near Ayr, cause obscure. Flying Officer Pilot hope is buried in the Ayr Cemetery, Ayrshire County, Scotland.

HOPE, KENNETH EARL -SGT R51020 – air frame mechanic. From Sutherland, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 23/42 age 25. #120 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Coal Harbour, British Columbia. Stranraer aircraft crashed. Please see Stuart R.B. for casualty list and flight detail: Sergeant Hope has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HOPE, WILLIAM JOHN P/O(AG) J87397 D.F.C. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 26/44 age 20. #90 Squadron (Celer). Lancaster aircraft #ME 802 missing during night operations over Russelheim, Germany. F/O F.E. Good was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Hope is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HOPKINS, FREDERICK RANDALL P/O(N) J88421//R166269. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 8/44 age 24. #50 Squadron (From Defence To Attack). Lancaster aircraft #PA 996 lost whilst on a night trip to St. Leu D’Esserent, France. WO S.A. Motriuk, P/O J.D. Bishop, FS P.O. Noren, Sgts D. Austin (RAF), and R.N. Harper (RAF) were also killed. One Canadian, P/O Laidlaw, was taken Prisoner of War. Pilot Officer Navigator Hopkins is buried in the Communal Cemetery at Mesnil-Mauger, Seine Maritime, France.

HOPKINS, GEORGE WILLIAM JAMES SGT(AG) R180665. From Smith Falls, Ontario. Killed Sep 7/43 age 19. #29 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Scott G.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hopkins is buried in the Haycombe Cemetery, Bath, Englishcombe, Somerset, England.

HOPKINS, RALPH BRUCE F/O(P) J10869//R110309. From North Battletord, Saskatchewan. Died Jun 27/45 age 32. Flying Officer Pilot Hopkins is buried in the North Battleford Cemetery at North Battleford, Saskatchewan.

HOPKINS, ROBERT INNES P/O(P) 42601 – Royal Air Force. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Oct 9/39 age 26. P/O Hopkins was killed in a training accident. Pilot Officer Pilot Hopkins is buried in the St. Mary and St. Andrew Churchyard, Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire, England.

HOPKINS, TALFRYN BARTON FS(WAG) R64714. From Codys, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Sep 12/41 age 22. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Wellington aircraft #R 1038 tailed to return from a bombing operation. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hopkins has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOPLEY, ALBERT FREDERICK FS(N) R136282. From Humber Bay, Ontario. Killed in Action May 14/43 age 21. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Bochum, Germany. Please see FS J. Austin Thomson for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Hopley is buried in the Oud Leusden General Cemetery, Amersfoort, Utrecht, Holland.

HOPPER, EARL EDWIN FS(AG) R60349. From Crossfield, Alberta. Killed in Action Aug 4/42 age 21. #142 Squadron (Determination). Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Love C.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Hopper is buried in the Communal Cemetery at Noirmoutier-en-L’Ile, Vendee, France.

HOPPER, GARNET ILLINGSWORTH F/O(BA) J36267. From Penetanguishene, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 21/44 age 21. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Castrop Rauxel, Germany. Please see Stevens D.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Hopper is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.

HOPPER, JACK SGT(AG) R80789. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action May 23/44 age 21. #24 Operational Training Unit (Cum Labore Adjuvantes). Target – Alencon, France. Please see Harris W.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Hopper is buried in the Bretteville-Sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery, France.

HOPPER, LEO JAMES F/O(WAG) J39026//R185352. From Calgary, Alberta. Killed in Action Nov 4/44 age 20. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Halifax aircraft ft NP 800 was shot down by a German night fighter aircraft during night operations against Bochum, Germany. F/O J.E. Clements was also killed. One Canadian, FS Mosley and one RAF member of the crew were taken Prisoners of War. Two Canadians, F/O Cook and FS Pottage were Evaders. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hopper is buried in the War Cemetery, Hofton, Luxembourg, Belgium.

HOPPER, LLOYD HINSON P/O(WAG) J86734. From Lewisville, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Jul 18/44 age 24. #578 Squadron (Accuracy). Halifax aircraft #LK 794 was outward bound for Caen, France when the starboard inner engine caught fire and the aircraft became uncontrollable. The aircraft crashed and the 9,000 bomb load exploded on impact two miles south of Bishan, Berkshire, England. The force of the explosion spread wreckage over a four-mile area. Five of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed, one Canadian bailed out to safety. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hopper has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Engletield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HOPPING, ARTHUR STANLEY FS(WAG) R115081. From Deseronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 24/43 age 36. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Harrison S. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Hopping has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.

HOPPS, WILLIAM GEORGE FS(P) R133113. From Rockyford, Alberta. Killed in Action May 25/43 age 31. #422 Flying Yachtsmen Squadron (This Arm Shall Do It). Sunderland aircraft missing. Please see F/O E.F. Paige D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Pilot Hopps is buried in the Church of Ireland Churchyard, Irvinestown, County Fermanagh, Ireland.

HOPPUS, WILLARD HENRY WO2(AG) R105586. From Lacombe, Alberta. Killed in Action Jan 14/44 age 26. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Target – Brunswick, Germany. Please see Lyng D.T. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Hoppus is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.

HOPTON, CECIL GEORGE S/L(P) J19003 D.F.C. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Jun 18/44 age 22. #156 Squadron (We Light The Way), Pathfinder Force. Lancaster aircraft #ND 577 lost while on a night trip to Versailles, France. Seven RAF members of the crew, Sgt I. Campbell, F/Ls W.M. Conlon D.F.C., H.D. Gillis D.F.C., P.J. Moyes D.F.C., D.T. Wood D.F.C., FS L.E. Gibbs, and WO A.R.P. Larkins were also killed. There were two navigators on board for this operation. Squadron Leader Pilot Hopton is buried the Churchyard at Les Mesnuls, Seine-et-Oise, France.

HOPTON, CLAYTON PEDER LAC(P) R57934 – under training. From Cabri, Saskatchewan. Killed Dec 13/40 age 27. #1 Service Flying Training School, Camp Borden, Ontario. LAC Hopton was engaged in a formation flying exercise when ice formed on the wings of his aircraft. He was killed when his Nomad #3503 crashed into Lake Muskoka, near Everett, Ontario. LAC Hopton was to graduate the following day. Leading AirCraftman Pilot Hopton is buried in the Cabri Cemetery, Cabri, Saskatchewan.

HORAHAN, LAWRENCE MELVILLE FS(P) R127784. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 17/43 age 23. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Plank L.K. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Pilot Horahan is buried in the War Cemetery, Heverlee, Brabant, Belgium.

HORIE, LAWRENCE RUSSELL SGT(P) 922101 – Royal Air Force. From Deep Cove, Victoria, British Columbia. Killed Mar 31/41 age 19. Sergeant Pilot Hone is buried at Black Bourton, Oxfordshire, England.

HORN, ALBERT F/O(P)-J23089. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed Nov 15/43 age 21. #60 Operational Training Unit. Mosquito aircraft #DZ 701 crashed at Mumslow, near Broadstone, Shropshire, England. F/O L.B. Abelson was also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Horn is buried in the Blacon Cemetery, Chester, Cheshire, England.

HORN, JOHN F/O(N) J21184//R155660. From Regina, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jan 29/44 age 21. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Harrigan J.F. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Horn has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HORN, LAWRENCE ALFRED BERNARD FS(P) R79690. From Regina, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 23/42 age 27. #120 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Coal Harbour, British Columbia. Stranraer aircraft crashed. Please see Stuart R.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Pilot Horn has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.

HORN, WALTER WILFRED WO1(P) R95448. From La Riviere, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jun 27/43 age 28 #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Wellington aircraft missing. Please see Schull F.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class I Pilot Horn has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HORNBY, ALBERT WILLIAM P/O(BA) J19466. From Timmins, Ontario. Killed in Action Jan 29/44. #434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Linnell L.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Hornby was buried at Linde, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.

HORNCASTLE, CLIFFORD LEONARD F/O(P) J3520. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Nov 3/42 age 24. #414 Sarnia Imperials Squadron. F/O Horncastle was killed when his Mustang aircraft crashed one half mile from RAF Station, Tangmere, England. Flying Officer Pilot Homcastle is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

HORNE, ALEXANDER MANSON WO2(BA) R76770 D.F.M. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Mar 6/43 age 21. #49 Squadron (Cave Canem). Lancaster aircraft #ED 431 failed to return from a night operation over enemy territory, presumed enemy action. Six members of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Bomb Aimer Home has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.

HORNE, JAMES CHANDLER WO2(N) R150952. From Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Killed in Action Apr 27/44 age 20. #619 Squadron. Lancaster aircraft #LL 904 did not return from night operations against Schweinfurt, Germany. P/O G.J. Langridge and five of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Navigator Home is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.

HORNE, MILLARD HENDERSON WO2(WAG) R180743. From Wolfe Island, Ontario. Killed in Action Jan 7/45. #103 Squadron (Noli Me Tangere). Target – Munich, Germany. Please see McArthur W.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Home was buried at the crash site, exhumed, and reburied in the Communal Cemetery, Munster, Haut-Rhin, France.

HORNE, ROBERT ERNEST P/O(AG) J95283//R208296. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 15/45 age 21. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Target – Hagen, Germany. Please see Repsys P.P. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Home is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Perwez, Brabant, Belgium.

HORNE, WILLIAM ROBERT LYNDEN P/O(P) C22763. From St. Catharines, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 27/43 age 20. #295 Squadron. Halifax aircraft missing. Please see F/O J. Andrew Smith for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Home has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.